Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Down with the vows we had made !
Down with each memory! Down with the thoughts of our noble dead ! Down, down to the dust where their forms are laid,
And down with liberty !
THE CONFEDERATE NOTE.* By Miss J. Turner, of North Carolina.
Representing nothing- on God's earth now,
And naught in the water below it, As a pledge of a nation that's dead and gone,
Keep it, dear Captain, and show it. Show it to those that will lend an ear
To.the tale this paper can tell, Of liberty born, of the patriot's dream,
Of a storm-cradled nation that fell.
Too poor to possess the "precious ore,
And too much a stranger to borrow, We issue to-day our " promise to pay,"
And hope to redeem on the morrow. Days rolled by, and weeks became years,
But our coffers were empty still; Coin was so rare that the treasurer quakes,
If a dollar should drop in the till.
*Tlie above lines were found written upon the back of a five-hundred dollar Confederate note, subsequent to the surrender.